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Top Tips: Eat Your Way To Wellness!

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From avoiding carbs to adding collagen to coffee, most nutrition trends are passing fads but let’s take a look at a few that are likely here to stay

There are plenty of popular nutrition trends that have the experts divided. Take the carnivore diet, intermittent fasting and weight-loss drugs like Ozempic – they’ll all help you fight the flab but at what cost to your long-term health? There are some trends, however, that have the experts in agreement, since they’re all about longevity, sustainability and overall wellness. Let’s take a look.


When it comes to adequate protein intake, quantity of protein used to be the primary focus, but now the conversation is on quality, too. One way to think about protein quality is to consider whether it is a complete or incomplete protein. A complete protein source provides sufficient amounts of all nine essential amino acids that aren’t produced in the body naturally. An incomplete protein source either provides some essential amino acids but not all nine, or all nine amino acids but not in sufficient amounts to be considered complete. Most animal sources are considered complete and, with some exceptions including soy, most plant-based foods are considered incomplete proteins.

High-quality protein is important for all of us, but especially for those intentionally trying to lose weight, older people who need help maintaining muscle mass and athletes. Proteins, such as whey protein and casein found in milk, eggs and meat, provide all essential amino acids and are easily digestible, making them ideal for muscle repair and growth. If you are following a plant-based diet, you can achieve a complete protein source by consuming complementary proteins throughout the day, such as rice and beans, hummus and pita, peanut butter on wholegrain bread, and quinoa with lentils.

Incorporating quality protein into your diet is certainly important but it’s also important to understand that any source of protein in your diet is better than no protein at all.


Plant-based diets continue to grow in popularity due to their purported health benefits and their potential to have a positive impact on the environment. Attractive to all those who prefer not to eat meat, the plant-based trend also appeals to flexitarians who eat meat and other animal products only in moderation.

A recent randomised clinical trial, comparing vegan with omnivorous diets, has created quite a buzz. The study observed 22 healthy, adult, identical twin pairs. One twin consumed a vegan diet, and the other twin consumed a healthy omnivorous diet.

After eight weeks, the study found the twins who consumed the vegan diet experienced decreases in LDL-cholesterol, insulin and weight, compared to the twins who consumed the omnivorous diet. While promising at first glance, there are several limitations to this study that you need to consider before adopting a plant-based diet.

Importantly, there are various forms of plantbased diets ranging from a lacto-ovo-pescatarian diet (dairy, eggs and seafood are consumed) to a vegan diet (no animal products are consumed). Depending on the type of plant-based diet you follow, you may need to pay special attention to certain nutrients to meet your nutritional needs. In general, those who are limiting or excluding animal-based foods from their diet should ensure they are receiving adequate intakes of vitamin B12, iron, calcium, choline and omega-3 fatty acids.

Here are a few simple ways to make your diet more “plant-forward”. Start slow: aim for one plant-based meal a week and gradually increase the frequency over time. Make swaps: for example, if you usually use ground beef in your tacos, try black beans, ground tofu or a lentil/ mushroom blend instead. Perhaps, even start by mixing half animal protein and half plant protein before making the full transition. Lastly, have fun: rather than looking at this concept as a negative or restrictive, make it enjoyable. Choose a tasty recipe in advance, and plan to make it together with a partner or friend. Experimenting with new recipes – plant-based or not – is always a great way to surprise yourself and your taste buds.

Remember, adopting new diet changes should be a journey rather than an overnight change. Regardless of the type of diet you follow, diversity is key. Consuming a range of foods ensures a broad spectrum of nutrients and encourages an enjoyable and sustainable diet.


Sustainable eating practices have the potential to positively impact the planet by promoting biodiversity, improving soil health and reducing water usage. If you want to make sustainability a focus, your first step is to adopt a plant-forward diet. Livestock farming is one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, so start by swapping one animal-based meal per week with a plant-based option.

Choose food products that are ethically sourced and produced, and buy local, seasonal produce whenever possible; doing so reduces the demand for long-distance transportation and supports local farmers. And lastly, minimise food waste – plan your meals ahead of time to avoid overbuying – transition to sustainable packaging and recycle.


There is a continued interest in how the gut microbiota affects various aspects of the body including the brain. The two-way communication between the gut and the brain is specifically known as the “gut-brain axis”. In simple terms, certain strains of beneficial bacteria in the gut can produce neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, aka the “feel-good hormones”.

One way to support your gut health is by eating prebiotic fibre. This type of fibre acts as fuel for the probiotics that live in the gut and helps them thrive. Consuming a diverse range of plant-based foods, fermented products and fibre-rich ingredients can help maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria. So consider boosting your intake of bananas, asparagus, artichokes, garlic, onions and oats.

Increased interest in improving the health of the gut microbiota is more than just a passing fad. It’s a fundamental aspect of health, and understanding this concept offers promising potential for personalised nutrition and holistic wellbeing.


A growing trend in the sphere of health and nutrition is the focus on dietary patterns that support individual nutrition needs, otherwise known as personalised nutrition. While general nutrition advice, such as eating a balanced diet comprised of complex carbohydrates, quality protein and healthy fats, applies to many, each body is different and may respond to nutrition differently. For that reason, research is diving deep into various ways nutrition can impact your body on an individualised level.

Hormones are one example. Hormones affect various parts of the body – metabolism, mood and growth are just a few. Emerging research is looking at the impact nutrition has on influencing your hormones. For instance, new data suggests that following both a Mediterranean diet and a vegetarian diet result in improved hormone levels related to energy.

Another example of personalised nutrition is blood sugar management. This approach isn’t only relevant for individuals living with diabetes: it has gained traction among a broader audience for its perceived benefits in weight loss, energy regulation and overall health. There are easy steps to follow to bring more attention to this concept. Firstly, pair your carbohydrates with fat and protein to help reduce your body’s glucose response. Secondly, choose carbohydrates with fibre in them such as steel-cut oats or millet. (Fibre helps to reduce the rate at which carbohydrates are digested and absorbed, and helps to prevent sudden spikes in blood sugar.) Third, limit foods with excessive quantities of added sugars.

While each of these tips is informed by science, it is important to consult with your doctor before changing your diet as each person’s body responds differently to dietary changes.

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