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Already our go-to for beautiful bouquets and floral arrangements, Bloom, in the DB Plaza mall, expanded its offering in April with a juice bar serving protein shakes, healthy juices and smoothies.
With HK for Ukraine, a group of DB volunteers have come up with a fantastic way for all of us to increase awareness for Ukrainian refugees in need and make a donation.
Omicron never takes a day off, why should we? Local charities are doing their utmost to support Hong Kong’s most vulnerable through the pandemic, and we can all help shine a light by donating time, money or provisions.
There are myriad trendy stores in newly renovated DB Plaza, some with a Hong Kong-wide presence and some exclusive to Discovery Bay. We’ve detailed a few of our favourites here. (Can’t get enough of the zero-waste shopping at Slowood or the roses at Bloom.)
Until we can go to the world, DB-based charity One World Spirit is bringing the world to us – and with it some tolerance and communication.
Active in DB since 1999, Discovery Bay Yacht Club (DBYC) aims to draw local sailors together in friendly and social sailing events, and to introduce beginners to the fun of sailing and racing yachts.
“DB is one of the pioneer properties to join this pilot scheme rolled out by the EPD to help progressively tackle the challenge of domestic food waste recycling,” Cary Wan, Senior Environmental Protection Officer of EPD says.
Let’s work together to reduce waste generation and create a greener living place for the DB community!