Last week, Around DB reported on an environmental initiative by the residents of DB, after the amount of debris and waste that washed up on the North Plaza Beach over the weekend left it looking unrecognisable.
Facebook pages, Whatsapp groups and events were set up, and on Saturday July 22, the DB Beach Cleanup took place on the North Plaza Beach.
Sue Pollard, who brought the issue to peoples’ attention last week, said she was “very happy” with the turnout.
“We had around 20 volunteers and cleared the length of the beach. Everyone was there for about 2 hours and we pretty much cleared it, however the government cleaning department had been a couple of days before and made a good start.”
Community Facebook page ‘DB Green’ who have organised DB beach clean ups in conjunction with the charity Plastic Free Seas for the last 10 years, also praised the efforts of the residents, and mentioned how plastic debris was by far the biggest single most collected item of rubbish – an issue which has been ongoing on our beaches.
“What a difference a few people can make! About 20 people attended the cleanup on Saturday afternoon. They swept down the beach and cleared the waste in their wake. We collected 100 bags and pretty much all of this was plastics and mostly single use plastics or plastic packaging.”
Anyone who wants to get involved can join the Facebook pages ‘DB Green’, and ‘Discovery Bay Beach Clean Up’ for information on the next event.
Image: DB Green, Facebook
Tags: bean clean-ups, DB Green, environment