Home / News / DB residents organise beach cleanup for Saturday July 22

DB residents organise beach cleanup for Saturday July 22

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DB residents are fighting back against the tidal wave of debris that continues to wash up on the beaches of Discovery Bay by organising their own community-led beach cleanup.

The initiative came about after concerned residents took to Facebook to discuss the state of the North Plaza beach, which  looked practically unrecognisable on Sunday July 16.

Posting in the DB Mums Facebook group, DB resident Sue Pollard shared a photo of the beach covered in mounds of plastic, including hundreds of drinking bottles and all manner of household waste.

On the same weekend, Asia Director for Sea Shepherd Gary Stokes also shared a  live video highlighting just how bad the situation was, remarking that it “looked like a tsunami had passed through.”

Within hours, residents had rallied round to plan a cleanup this coming Saturday, July 22, from 2pm-4pm.

Sue has expressed her gratitude to the people who have volunteered already, and has called for more people to get involved, if they can. “I think it will take lots of people several hours, so an ongoing cleanup is needed. If everyone helped it wouldn’t be a problem, but I’m not sure how many will turn out on Saturday, we have just three at the moment. I’ve been in DB three years and have seen the rubbish, but I was truly shocked at the North Plaza last week.”

The residents’ plans have been praised by local environmental groups Plastic Free Seas and DB Green, who will be providing gloves and bags for the volunteers to use on the day.  Those taking part are advised to bring plenty of water in a reusable bottle and to wear sunscreen, bug spray, and closed-toe shoes.

A WhatsApp group has been set up for anyone who wants to help. For more information, contact Petra Reus on +31 6166 54468, or ‘like’ the Discovery Bay Beach Clean Up page on Facebook.

Image courtesy of Sue Pollard via Discovery Bay Beach Clean Up, Facebook

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