Budding footballers can sign up for Tekkerz training, right here in DB, starting from just two years of age. Tekkerz’s multi-level curriculum is designed to develop players’ technical skills and overall game play using a “maximum touch” approach. Head Coach Barry Brown, a 13-year DB resident, describes the concept as unique to Hong Kong: “Tekkerz is based on English professional youth programmes. We aim to get even the youngest kids 300 to 500 touches during the first 10 to 15 minutes of each class to grow their confidence with the ball.”
Tekkerz’s unique Player Development Platform (PDP) provides students with 12 levels and 180 skills to work on. “The PDP gives visual, verbal and slow-motion demonstrations to ensure that the kids practise their skills effectively,” Barry explains. “We encourage children to practise at home with their PDP, so they’re not limited to only playing football during training sessions. The PDP is offered free to anyone signing up for the programme – we have even had players who have left Hong Kong send us videos of themselves practicing their skills from the platform. No other club offers anything like this.”
Classes are designed to be fun and confidence-boosting, with the Under 3s and 4s mainly working on balance, spatial awareness and the fundamentals of movement. “With the Under 5s to Under 9s, coaches tend to focus on individual development and ball mastery exercises rather than team play,” Barry says. “This provides an amazing foundation for those who want to continue training with us as they get older.” Progressive Sports Asia holds Tekkerz training sessions at Discovery College, Discovery Bay International School and DB North Plaza pitch from Monday to Saturday, for kids aged two to 13 years. To know more, visit prosportsasia.com. [PHOTO COURTESY OF Tekkerz.]