There are plenty of Easter-themed activities for families to enjoy across DB on the weekend of April 7 to 8.
In DB North, there’s an Easter FunLand offering an Easter-themed photo zone, face painting and an Easter bunny meet-and-greet, with popcorn, cotton candy and balloons provided free of charge.
Meanwhile, DB Plaza is transforming into an Ohpama Kids Fiesta with exciting games and workshops on offer. DB residents were given priority booking (and an early-bird discount) to enrol their kids in the DB Easter Egg Hunt on the Beach, running April 7 to 8. Egg hunters are divided into different age groups (three to four years, five to six years and seven to 10 years) to participate in the respective game sessions at Tai Pak Wan.
All entrants receive a Welcome Goodie Bag, including a shovel set, souvenirs and a Certificate of Participation. Kids can redeem the colourful and biodegradable Easter eggs they find to win prizes totalling HK$1 million!
To find out more, visit www.dbeasteregghunt.com.