Year 3 students at Discovery College made a bold statement this week with an impressive array of artwork highlighting the urgent need to save the planet. The exhibition was part of a unit of inquiry looking at the impact humans have on the earth, focusing in particular on the problems that affect our local environment.
As part of the unit, the students explored the persistent issue of ocean pollution, and were inspired after watching The Plastic Ocean, a documentary that looks at how plastics, once they enter the oceans, break up into small particulates that enter the food chain. The children then got to see the problem first hand when they took part in a beach clean up led by Dana Winograd from Plastic Free Seas.
Determined to make a difference, each student made a pledge to save the oceans and worked together to raise awareness of the issue by creating an eco exhibit, featuring their very own pieces of trash art.
The thought-provoking designs, including turtles made out of bottle caps and fishes decorated with nets, were displayed in the DC foyer, and emphasised how human actions affect the ocean.
Year 3 student Taytum Barr hopes that the artwork will wake people up to the crisis affecting our oceans right now: “I want people to think about how plastic is affecting our oceans and hopefully encourage people to make small changes in their lives.”
Image: Discovery College
Tags: discovery bay, Discovery College, Plastic Free Seas