Discovery Bay residents have raised concerns recently over broken glass bottles found at the beach park on Tai Pak Wan.
Worried that children and beachgoers could step on the glass pieces and sustain injury, DBers are calling on management to take action against this recurring issue.
The smashed glass tends to be found on Saturday mornings, in and around the beach park area, including in the sand and on the play equipment. Some residents have suggested it could be left there by local teens drinking on a Friday night.
Frank, a local DBer was down at the beach earlier this month and expressed his concern as he found broken glass pieces scattered in the sand and the beach playground slide.
“The beach cleaner tries very hard and does a great job to clean the beach but not everything is going to be picked up and cleared as the pieces are just so hidden. The ‘beach party’ is not a problem. Instead, our local teens should look out for each other and think about the smaller kids who play at the park everyday,” he says.
Voicing their anger on social media, other DBers say the problem reflects a lack of public concern on behalf of the perpretrators.
In an attempt to resolve the issue, community members have sent photos demonstrating the problem in the area to Hong Kong Resorts, and are hoping that CCTV can be installed, or a night guard put on duty on the weekends.
One resident has also suggested setting up a neighbourhood watch team to monitor the area on weekends.
In a statement to Around DB, a representative from the Management Office of Tai Pak Beach has said, “Safety always comes first in our managed areas, and our security/ cleaning team will be closely monitoring the situation. Notices shall be posted up to remind all beach users to be considerate and dispose of all glass bottles properly in recycling bin.”
“DB residents are advised to contact our security team via 3651 2345 for any incidents.”
Have you witnessed antisocial behaviour in the beach park area? Let us know what you think can be done to help by commenting below.
Tags: beach, DB beach, discovery bay, tai pak wan