Essentials & Emergency

DB Lost and Found

Contact hotline for any objects you may have forgotten on the Discovery Bay bus or ferry services.

**Note: This is not a Lost and Found forum. If you would like to make a query please call 3651 2345.**



27 thoughts on - DB Lost and Found

  • Sanghyun Park Reply

    Hi i lost my black iphone 7 on Oct 27 midnight ferry from Discovery Bay to Central. i was sitting at the upper desk of the ferry near the back end. if you have a black iphone 7 on your lost and found list, please let me know.

  • Dupont Christophe Reply

    Today I lost my key between Hillgrove and ferry. The way on the left of tennis court when you see them,
    4 keys, 1 red, 1 black and 2 white.
    If you found them, contact me.
    Thank you

  • Mike Reply

    Prescription glasses lost 22nd January, between Onda Court and Plaza.

  • Eito Reply

    So today (feb 15) I have lost my black nike string bag with my PE shirt and shoes in side. The shirt has a YHKCC sign on the back. I lost it in the db01r 7:18 bus (I think). Find it please email me at [email protected]

  • Steven Reply

    Yesterday (12 March) I lost a green camo print backpack and inside has my basketball shoes which are coloured maroon.If found can you please contact me through my email
    [email protected]

  • Patrick eeckhout Reply

    Lost Octopus card with some 400 HK$ credit (number 11975456 ) on T4 or T9 bus.

  • Michele Ong Reply

    Lost a loqi pouch with prada card holder and amalfi card yesterday 17 apr around 1pm around amalfi. pls email [email protected] thanks

  • Joshua Reply

    Hi, I think I lost my wallet on the 7:10pm t4 bus from the north plaza. If you find it please call me at 9535 4526

  • Oksana Reply

    I have lost Armani watch in the morning 16.05. on the beach near the ferries. Please contact me if it is found [email protected]

  • Daniel Schneiter Reply

    Yesterday, on June 10, 2019 left a Samsonite cabin-trolley, dark blue, textile fabrics in the bus from DB to Tung Chung. Who has taken/seen it or knows more about it?

  • Goncalo Rodrigues Reply

    Hi, dropped my Caribbean coast resident octopus card in the DB01R today on my way to DB. (13 JUL 2019).
    Tried calling the lost and found hotline but with no success.

  • Ethan Reply


    My name is ethan and I left my wallet on the db01r on the 22nd of August, about 9 pm , email me at [email protected]

  • Dennis Reply

    Hi I lost my Mac book air today (oct 18) probably in Watson’s or in the plaza bathroom. If you have picked it up please call 62582788 or email [email protected]

  • Mathieu BARTOZZI Reply

    I may have forgotten a blue case in the 6:40 (25/10) ferry from DB today with two iPhones charger in it.
    Thank you !

  • Felix robb webster Reply

    lost my wallet (black and red) and iphone X around the plaza

  • Jane Scarlett Reply

    My son left his electric scooter outside fusion last Sunday around 12 noon. If you have it in lost & found. Please contact me at 63488144 or 69214386. Thank you

  • Peter Olsen Reply

    I lost my 2 hearing aids around the 11th February, 2019. They were in a small silver box. The hearing aids are by Phonak AUDEO B-912 – one each left and right. Please contact me on 98400590 if you fin. Many thanks. Peter Olsen

  • Cem Korkmaz

    I lost a brown ray ban kids sun glasses in the DB03R from sunny bay to DB on 10.April 14:45 o’clock .

  • Jasmin Drew Reply

    I lost my black hand bag at 202 seabee lane, with my Iphone 7 inside, I am willing to provide a reward of 200 dollars if anyone has it.

  • Rich Fu Reply

    Today I lost my cat called Felix at Siena Two black 10, it’s grey colour cat, if someone found the cat, please contact [email protected] and I will reward 1,000 dollars.

  • maria lyn Reply

    My employer lost a paper bag this morning,containing a kettle and a water jug.if you have it in lost and found please contact this number 97346952.

  • James Rose Reply

    Hello, I lost my black iphone X and black Prada sunglasses on the North Plaza on Saturday night the 16th of January 2021. Any help or ideas on how to find them would be much appreciated! Thanks, James

  • Robbie Chow Reply

    I dropped my wallet in between Coastline and the Plaza. If someone has found the wallet, could you please email [email protected] or call 66857729

  • Eiliyah H. Reply

    I lost my coach card holder in the DC Db01p. If you took the bue and saw one, Please email [email protected]

  • Irina Reply

    Hello, on Friday 9 February 2024 I dropped a half-moon-shaped white gold earring with multiple small diamonds on the 18:30 ferry from Central to Discovery Bay. I was sitting on the upper deck, on the left hand side (facing the direction of travel) near the window towards the end, about 5-7 rows from the back. If you happen to find it, please contact me at 6711 0627 (WhatsApp or call). I am happy to offer a monetary compensation if we are lucky enough to find it. Thank you very much! Irina

  • An-chi Chen Reply

    Hello, I drop a card case near the ferry terminal (south side) (very old louis vuitton) which contains a couple of cards. If someone has round the wallet, I would be most grateful if you could call me 66552610mor email [email protected] Thank you.

  • 한의석 Reply

    I lost my gap 58 wedge (Voky) on DB03R around 19:15 from DB Plaza to Sunny bay.

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