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When did we become too old to play? Can you remember the last time you really played with your friends or loved ones? When we have children, we start to relive those childhood memories of playing games and going to parks, being creative and a little more adventurous but all too often this stops when the kids get older. We tend to wait to have fun on our holidays. What stops us from doing playful things in our everyday lives?

Play for adults is crucial considering the stressful, busy lifestyles most of us lead. Play has been proven to release endorphins, improve brain functionality and stimulate creativity. It also helps to keep us feeling young and energetic. There are many studies that show play improves memory and also stimulates the growth of the cerebral cortex.

Playing exercises both your physical and creative muscles. It helps you move around, solve problems, challenge yourself and think in new ways. Not to mention that it’s just plain fun! Maybe you feel you are too ‘grown-up’ to be silly and let yourself go and giggle out loud or even scream at the top of your lungs, but there are still plenty of ways to play.

Epicland Adv In Post

We should all aim to be active every day by doing moderate exercise, which should make you feel slightly out of breath and a bit warmer. You need to do at least two types of exercises to help build strength and balance: examples include lifting weights, yoga, Tai Chi, postural stability classes, bowls and dancing. Play is the best natural resource in a creative economy. Get a group of friends together and make something. Climb a tree. Start a drum circle with some buckets and sticks. Roll down a grassy hill. Throw a costume party just for the fun of it. Spend a weekend without looking at a single screen. Paint faces on rocks and place them around your neighborhood. Invent a boardgame. The possibilities are endless!

The philosophy at EpicLand has always been that it’s a place where the whole family can play. And the team really sees the importance of play for adults – play that continuously challenges your fears and physical ability. For this reason, the 1,400-square-foot, DB North Plaza entertainment centre is hosting its first EpicLand Adult Play Night on September 24. Activities include rock climbing, trampolining, air trek, laser tag, ziplining, virtual reality rides and mini golf. There are rainbow slides and drop slides, a Warrior Zone and Foam Factory.

At an EpicLand Adult Play Night, you get to throw yourself into every experience with your friends without getting that judgmental look from your 11-year-old. And most importantly you get to play! [BY Koren Thomas]

EpicLand in DB North Plaza provides fun for kids of all ages and it’s known for its comprehensive party packages and team-building events.

Be sure to head to the all-new EpicLand Adult Play Night on September 24. To find out more, call 2441 0098 or visit www.epiclandhk.

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