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A Little Bit of Trivia: Pirate Day Quiz!

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To celebrate International Talk Like a Pirate Day on September 19, find out how much you know about buccaneers both real and fictional

1. When a pirate says: “Sail ho!” what does he mean?
A. Let’s sail
B. Another ship is in view
C. Time to walk the plank

2. Most pirates carry a cutlass. What is it?
A. A sword
B. A knife
C. A gun

3. In Captain Philips, the container vessel is taken by pirates from which country?
A. Mexico
B. Yemen
C. Somalia

4. In Treasure Island, what is the pirate’s name?
A. Sea Dog
B. Long John Silver
C. Old Salt

5. Which period is considered to be the Golden Age of Piracy?
A. 1650 to 1720
B. 1730 to 1810
C. 1820 to 1920

6. What is the name given to a pirate flag decorated with a skull and crossbones?
A. Cockswain
B. Jacob’s Ladder
C. Jolly Roger

7. In which area did the English pirate Blackbeard mainly operate?
A The Caribbean
B. The Mediterranean
C. The Gulf of Mexico

8. In The Princess Bride, which Dread Pirate Roberts nominates Westley as his successor?
A. The original Roberts
B. Ryan
C. Cummerbund

9. Which pirate is known for conquering the Spanish strongholds of Santiago Castle and Portobello?
A. Henry Morgan
B. Hector Barbossa
C. Joseph Baccardi

10. Cheng I Sao is one of few female pirates in recorded history. Where was she born?
A. Hainan
B. Guangdong
C. Lantau

11. In 75 BC, who was captured by Cilician pirates in the Aegean Sea?
A. Alexander the Great
B. Plato
C. Julius Caesar

12. Which of the following is not a type of pirate ship?
A. Bilge
B. Bilander
C. Brig

13. In Pirates of the Caribbean, what is Captain Jack Sparrows’ ship called?
A. The Black Pearl
B. The Black Spot
C. Crow’s Nest

14. What did pirates call a ship that they had successfully sacked?
A. A loot
B. A tack
C. A prize

15. The term “Davy Jones’ Locker” is a metaphor for what?
A. The bow of a ship
B. The bottom of the sea
C. Buried treasure

16. In Peter Pan, Captain Hook is missing which body part?
A. Right hand
B. Left hand
C. Left leg

17. In A High Wind in Jamaica, what do the pirates accidentally capture?
A. A British merchant ship
B. A Chinese lorcha
C. The five Thornton children

18. Who do the pirates marry in The Pirates of Penzance?
A. The plantation owner’s daughters
B. The major-general’s daughters
C. One another

19. Which English pirate was the first ship commander to circumnavigate the world?
A. Henry Morgan
B. Black Bart
C. Francis Drake

20. Which of the following is not pirate slang for being hanged?
A. Dance with Jack Ketch
B. Dance the hempen jig
C. Dance with death

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