Home / News / Households to be charged for disposing of garbage, effective 2019

Households to be charged for disposing of garbage, effective 2019

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The Environment Bureau announced earlier this week that households will have to spend an estimated HK$30 to HK$50 a month to dispose of trash using designated rubbish bags, effective 2019.

The requirement comes under the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) charging scheme of the Environment Bureau. Citizens will have to dispose of their household waste in designated trash bags, ranging from three to 100 litres, costing from HK$0.30 to HK11 each. The bags will be sold at supermarkets, convenience stores and post offices. Items that do not fit in the designated bags must be tagged with a label, costing an additional HK$11.

Individuals who do not comply with the scheme may be liable for a fine of HK$1,500.

The bill has yet to be passed by Legco, and is estimated to take 12 to 18 months to prepare. The scheme is expected to come into force in 2019.

Image: GovHK

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