Home / News / Fox found in South Lantau finds new home

Fox found in South Lantau finds new home

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A fox found in South Lantau last year has now been given a permanent home at Singapore Zoo.

The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) made the announcement of the fox’s new home yesterday through an online video of the fox feeding.

The fox left Hong Kong on March 13, and the AFCD has reported that it had no problem adapting to its new home.

Now under the care of Singapore Zoo, the AFCD found the zoo to be the most suitable place for the animal, taking into consideration the environment and the zoo’s experience in care and veterinary support.

The fox was originally spotted in the catchwater in South Lantau in July 2017 and was sent to The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals before being transferred to Ocean Park for care and quarantine.

It was discovered that the animal was a red fox, not an arctic marble fox as originally suspected.

Due to this, the fox couldn’t conform with the park’s animal acquisition policy, however it pledged to keep the fox until further arrangements could be made.

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